Weddings Make Me Nauseous & My Busy Week(s)
I won't even go into how painful it has been to endure the land of the fembots when it came to the Bridal shower. Mercifully, I skipped the bachlorette party tonight. I just had to. I am exhausted from running errands, and I couldn't bear another night of normal people's idea of revelry. In the course of all the wedding brouhaha, I have come to realize that this lovely young woman may very well be my most conventional friend. Thank God I don't have too many of them, as this sort of thing really makes me ill. One of the fembots in her wedding party is already crowing about how she can't wait for the baby shower. Oh please shoot me now. I had to make wedding favors with this twit all night. She regaled me with tales of her happy family, and her plans for her own wedding and subsequent pregnancy (mind you, the girl is only 21, is dumb as a doornail, and doesn't have a damn thing to offer a kid). Not to mention, she's not even engaged yet. The poor guy, he'll never see it coming. He's got no more chance than a rabbit bludgeoned with a rock in the middle of the night while it sleeps. She's been with the same guy since they were 15 years old, and she's probably been wearing him down erosion style, chipping away at him, little by little so that he doesn't even notice until one day, he wakes up without balls. She's one of those girls that has her whole happy little Norman Rockwell life all planned out for herself, and everyone else will just function as props to bring her dreams into being. How sad for them all.
Yes, I know you think I am crusty, bitter curmudgeon, and heck, you might be partly right, but currently, I'm in love with a great guy that I'd love to spend the rest of my life with, but I'm not planning my wedding in my head. I know I may be odd, but I'm actually investing in the relationship with him as a person, and not using him as the means to try to have some fairy tale event which will be meaningless to the rest of our lives or making a marriage work. I would love to end up with him, because he's freaking awesome and I am very happy with him, but one day at a time, ya know. Also, I'm not preparing the baby shute for assembly line operation. The way this girl talked I thought she'd have been much better off getting an easy bake oven, and popping out some mini-muffins instead. Oh right, they wouldn't look like her, hence depriving her of her infantile narcissistic thrill, silly me. Yes, this sort of invective is what results from having to listen to swill like hers until three in the morning while I'm bleary-eyed from making cutesy favors for a wedding. Something snaps in my mind, and this is what comes out later to purge me of it.
Anyway, on a wholly bileless note, I can't wait to see my boyfriend again. We'll get to spend a whole week together. It will be so nice. Plus, after all the work I've had to do the last few weeks to keep many things in my life running (including my health insurance and my car -- 2 biggies) it will be lovely to simply relax and have no chores, errands or stress for one week, and be with my wonderful beau just enjoying life together. See, I am a closet sap when it comes right down to it, I'm just in it for the love, not the societal trappings. I dearly hope I will be married someday (and I really hope it will be to him) but I want that for every single day I will get to spend with him after the one day of ceremony, which I will want to get through so I can get to the good part: sharing my life with the one I love. That and all the kinky sex. Heck yea people, I've got my priorities straight!