Thursday, March 02, 2006

7 Things... (*newly updated as of this evening)

Rarely do I engage in such things, but since it was my friend Marcheline of "Mental Meatloaf" who tagged me, I shall reluctantly submit.

Seven things to do:
1) Go to bed already! (It’s 6:33am) [I finally did go to bed, at around 8 am]
2) Go to meet my new Psychiatrist tomorrow (well, today) at 4:30pm [snow storm here, I couldn't get there, I have to reschedule it].
3) Reach the person I’ve been playing phone tag with since last Friday [I finally reached her!]
4) Finish the blanket I'm knitting for my niece
5) Wash the Dishes
6) Get my blood tests done
7) Give S & S their present before the baby is born

Seven things I can’t do:
1) Look Martha Stewart directly in the eyes
2) Vote Republican
3) Live without Indian food
4) Go to bed early
5) See Rachael Ray without wanting to bitch-slap the cute outta her
6) Get to the Post Office before 5
7) Drive a stick shift

Seven things that attract me to my mate sex toys:
1) Always in the mood
2) Won’t stop until I'm done
3) Versatile; never the same twice
4) Let’s me think about whoever or whatever I want during sex
5) I can call it ‘Daddy" or the name of an ex-lover without hurting its feelings
6) Doesn’t make me sleep on the wet spot
7) Is totally devoted to my pleasure

Seven books I love:
1) The Bible
2) Tess of the D’Ubervilles - Thomas Hardy
3) Bad Behavior - Mary Gaitskill
4) Strangers in Paradise (graphic novel series) - Terry Moore
5) She’s Come Undone - Wally Lamb
6) Season in Hell - Arthur Rimbaud
7) Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman

Seven things I say:
1) Dorkus Maximus
2) & the cherry on the shit sundae was...
3) (He/she) has more issues than Reader’s Digest...
4) Fark it
5) Bastards!
6) Shite
7) Merde

Seven movies I’ve loved:
1) Trust/Simple Men/The Girl from Monday (Hal Hartley 3-way tie)
2) Night On Earth/Down by Law/Stranger than Paradise (Jim Jarmusch 3-way tie)
3) I Heart Huckabees
4) The Matrix (original)
5) The Unbearable Lightness of Being
6) Crash (the film by David Crohenberg)
7) Secretary
Bonus: American Splendor [just can't leave this one out].
People to Tag:
I'm not pushy, basically, anyone from my blog list that wants to answer.