Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This just in...

In an unprecedented turn of events: I am happy.

This doesn't happen often folks. Though I have a sense of humor, laugh often, and have a sense of Puckish mischief that keeps me from caving in, I have a deep melancholic streak that runs right through my core. I've seen a lot of horror in my life, of all varieties, and it's left me rather scarred. Sometimes I have thought that I was too broken to ever be repaired. I've hobbled through life like a wounded animal lost in a dark forest. The darkness now seems to be lifting. I have this glimmer of hope that I am cradling. I am holding on to it gently and breathing more life into it every day. I bless all the available light I possess, and all the illumination God floods into my life. Let it increase. That is my prayer.

Friday, December 09, 2005

*Poof*! Now they appear!?!

OK, now my posts are showing up. This is so odd.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


My posts aren't showing up. Is this a hint?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Virtue Real vs. Virtual

The more interested I become in life, the less interested I am in writing about it online. I guess this is because I am feeling so much better, and now is the time to catch up on the business of living.

I may only drop by here on occasion when I feel I have something to say which burns within my chest. If I'm not thus compelled, I'll probably be quiet for a little while.

{Not sure why this didn't show up on my blog when I first wrote it? I hope it shows up now...}