Thursday, October 27, 2005


Well, it's official. I got the results of my sleep study, and I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

I have suspected that I have had sleep apnea, ever since I found out that this disorder existed, and recognized how many of my sleep problems match it precisely. However, I didn't know the finer points, or that there were different forms of apnea. The next step now that I'm diagnosed is going in for a second sleep study, this time with a CPAP machine so they can find out what level of oxygen I'll need in order to prescribe the setting I will need for the machine I will get to use at home.

This could be the beginning of a new chapter for me, as my sleep disorders have been ruining my life. I am usually awake all night and asleep all day. I sleep through multiple alarm clocks, and I have problems staying awake if I manage to get up too early. I also have low energy, and many other symptoms from the apnea. It causes confusion, fogginess, memory loss, irritability, depression, high blood pressure, and more. It's a really nasty deceptive disorder. I believe I have had it for years, based on my snoring, and people around me who have heard me stop breathing during the night. At long last, I am finally going to be getting treatment. I think this is going to be a major positive change in my life! I can't wait, really. Yay Rah!